Tuesday, November 10, 2009


"Yes, yes. Hug me as if I am the most gentle soul in all of the Sesame Street. Little do you know that your time is short, Menounos. Your skull and entrails will soon adorn the branches of my massive bird nest. Then, all of the Sesame Street will know that I am the greatest hunter who has ever stalked these gravelly paths."

"You know I can hear you, right? You're talking out loud. Also, when you whisper, it tends to come out like a quiet scream."

"Damn you, Menounos. Damn you and your gorgeous smile! I've been foiled again!"

1 comment:

  1. Big Bird never did get that hand job he was hoping for...but it wasn't for lack of trying as you can see in this photo taken mintues before he was punched and knocked off that 10th story balcony. She warned him, and he just had to keep trying to move her hand...

    Later Menounos said “I warned him. I mean with avian flu and the size of his bird dong, it wasn’t going to be pretty…and he just kept trying…-look I warned him ok.”
